
Saturday, January 8, 2011


I've created My Brave Soul to showcase everything I will be working on for Brave Girls Club and Soul Restoration! I sat here for a few minutes trying to come up with a catchy name for the blog - and realized that My Brave Soul says it best.

Going along with my word for 2011 - Brave - and restoring my soul - it was kind of a lightbulb moment. 

All my silly ramblings and stories will still be posted to Faded Rainbows.  If my addled brain could just figure out how to link that blog with this blog, it would be good.  Maybe one of my techy friends *cough*you know who you are*cough* could tell me how. 

I love followers and I love comments. Just sayin'. 

Heart you all!
tigger (or gitter as I first typed)


  1. YAY! I am your first follower! I love the idea of this blog!

  2. I'm #2, does that mean I'm poop?

  3. I'll follow you Tigger! You are such an inspiration, I can't wait to see your journey!

  4. I like your new blog too. I am very interested in seeing your Brave Year unfold.
