
Saturday, March 5, 2011

soul restoration blog hop!!

Welcome to the Soul Restoration Blog Hop - if you're following the blog hop you came here from Pippa's beautiful blog!

What? I'm supposed to come up with words to describe a life changing experience? Oh dear... I'll try.  I don't know that there are enough adjectives in the dictionary to describe Soul Restoration with Melody Ross.  Good adjectives.

Amazing.  Eye-opening.  Heartwarming. Heart-wrenching.  A time of self-discovery.
 The picture above was me burning my fears... remarkably freeing. 

Melody taught me to love myself.  Through all the damage, and all the weakness, and all the CRAP.  She taught me how to discover the Sandi that got buried so many years ago... buried to the point that I thought I'd never see her again.  Buried by fear, buried by heartbreak... buried by the confines of a sick Soul House...

I stand before you today (well actually I'm sitting) a woman that DOES love herself, that has embraced her weak-self and has learned to be the confident, brave girl that she was always meant to be.

And in the process I learned SO many cool art techniques - utilized them and actually opened an Etsy shop to sell some of the pieces I made.  Those that know me well know that this is a huge, brave step for me.

There's a link to the right ----> for my Etsy shop if you're so inclined to shop.  ;-)

Here's a sample:

Join us for the powerful and fun online workshops taught by Melody Ross that are being enjoyed and loved by women all over the world! Soul Restoration on-line classes - Now expanded to TWO sessions: Soul Restoration Part 1 - Finding Your Truth (6 Weeks) April 5, 2011 Session : $99 - Register Here and Soul Restoration Part 2 - Living Your Truth (6 Weeks) For graduates of Soul Restoration 1 only, June 7, 2011 Session: $99 - Register Here

Thanks for visiting - and be sure to leave a comment - I will randomly choose a comment and that poster will receive an original art canvas made by me, using techniques that Melody taught us.

To continue the blog hop you'll visit  Leslie!


  1. gotta love auto post when the times in your computer are messed up... dammit. :-) glad I woke up early!

  2. you artwork is beautiful!! I love that you took a picture of your fears burning away.

  3. Love your work! Happy to be hopping thru the blogs that feature Soul Restoration work/fun!

  4. Love, love your project posted above! And if I could I'd give you an award for the best blog background evah!!! Love you Brave Girl, you inspire me. In many ways. ♥

  5. Sandi, your artwork is beautiful!

  6. Hi Sandi, Love that you burned your fears! I've done soul work as part of solstice ceremonies, where we place one stick in the fire releasing everything that we wish to let go of and another stick asking for what we want to bring into our lives. Finally, we turn our backs to the fire to let go of any attachments we have to the outcome of our two actions. It feels like a very sacred, extraordinary and peaceful process. Happy to have shared the journey with you on SR! Blessings, Julie

  7. Sandi, you are an inspiration and a super brave girl... so glad to have reconnected with your blog...

  8. Sandi!!! I am soooo proud of YOU! That is a HUGE step to sell on Etsy-WHOO HOO!! And girl, I am already a follower...think you are going on my blogroll right this instance, too. I love stopping by and visiting you:)

    Have fun today!!!!!!

    I am also gonna go see your Etsty shop!!!


  9. So proud of you Sandi! You are so awesome!

  10. Love your photo of burning the fears. I am looking forward to seeing your etsy shop bloom and grow with you.

  11. Sandi that opening pic of your burning paper is powerful!! Love it. It's been such a pleasure doing this class with you!
    Love Etsy!!!

  12. Beautiful canvas! love it!thanks for sharing:-)

  13. Hopped on By~ Great Work!

  14. Yay! I love your canvases! & the pic of you burning your fears - great idea!

  15. Sandi, I too love that picture of you burning your fears - mine went into the shredder. You are an inspiration!

  16. Hi, Sandi:
    Congratulations for taking the big "etsy" step. You are really talented. I'm glad you are now offering your art gifts to the world.

  17. Sandi,
    So lovely to meet you I am just about to embark on the 'Soul Restoration Journey.'
    Thanks so much for sharing your experience.
    The burning your fears is an interesting way to handle them. Thanks
    Keep smiling and creating

  18. sandi, i LOVE your blog background. it's so perfect for all of us, huh? love the picture of your fears burning.

  19. Such a remarkable talent from such a remarkable woman! xo

  20. Love the burning photo so great to see. Your blogs lush!

  21. Happy to have "met" you. I enjoy reading your comments and seeing your beautiful art.

  22. You are a very BRAVE girl, I feel honored to call you my friend.

  23. Hey Sandi! I love the burning your fears photo! Way to go you Brave girl you! :)

  24. Sandi, what a great idea to photograph burning your fears (wish I had thought of it...).

    <> to you, BG!
    Peace to you throughout the weekend, my dear.


    PS, will be visiting your etsy shop sometime in the future.

  25. your project is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  26. Sandi...I shared your Etsy Shop on my FB Fan Page!!!


  27. Keep being brave, Tigger....

  28. Sandi your artwork is brilliant and you ARE confident and brave - thank you so much for sharing how the workshop brought you to where you are today. <3

  29. Sandi
    I am so glad you now LOVE yourself!!
    Love that you photographed your burning fears!
    You ROCK my sister brave girl!!!

  30. It's been a joy watching you grow, change and become the Brave Girl you have always been!

    Love ya Girl!

  31. Burning your fears is a good thing! I really like your artwork. Thanks for sharing.

  32. Love your project and the materials you used are beautiful. See you next round.

  33. "Amazing. Eye-opening. Heartwarming. Heart-wrenching. A time of self-discovery."

    AMEN! And it's all been worth every second. LOVE the burning step I skipped (thinking a mental burning was enough...might have to rectify that! xoxo

  34. Sandi - your art is fantastic as is your blog. Like others, I LOVE the photo of you burning up all those old fears. You go, brave girl!

  35. Well said!!! Love your art and your blog is beautiful!!!! So happy to have been on the SR1 journey together and hope to take SR2 with you as well!

  36. OMG! I thought I was the ONLY one who took pictures of burning my fears! It was such a powerful moment for me to see them go up in flames. Can't wait to go visit your blog posts and etsy shop!
    You go girl!

  37. Love your artwork! It will make a great giveaway!
    Thanks for sharing the info onthe course -sounds awesome!

  38. hi Sandi... congrats on opening your Etsy shop! I haven't been brave enough yet... and I'm not sure what I'd want to focus on. :) Beautiful!
