
Tuesday, April 19, 2011


A few weeks ago a very lovely lady that I met through Soul Restoration gifted me the class of SheArt, taught by a very talented artist named Christy Tomlinson.  Not only did she gift me the class, she gifted 9 others... when she told me what she did, she added "well, I figure you can't take it with you".  It didn't occur to me at that point that she really meant that... until I found out she was dying of cancer... and has been sent home from the hospital for her last days. 

This generous woman's name is Teresa Potter.  I was able to learn to do an incredibly fun piece of art due to her kindness.  So I dedicate my first SheArt girl to Teresa... thank you.  I know that God will let you feel all the love that is pouring out to you from all your Soul Restoration friends...

My heart is just breaking...


  1. Thank you on behalf of Teresa for this beautiful post, I know she would appreciate this and it's such a beautiful canvas!

  2. What a sweet sad about her cancer.

    I am taking this class now, too. I have a background done...but so much to do with the girls. I have only watched a few of the videos...plan on working tonight.

    I love your canvas!

  3. amazing, one day soon, many of us are going to say 'I knew her when'

  4. Wonderful girl Sandi! I love the cardboard texture! Be prepared to see that on my next girl! Thanks for the great idea!

  5. Beautiful work Sandi. What a wonderful gift.
