
Monday, July 18, 2011

Brave Girls... Camp!!!!

Well, I did it.  I went... I flew alone for the first time... I was a true Brave Girl.  This isn't my actual blog post about Camp, I need to get pics together first.  Our group will have a Flickr account so that I can pick and choose the best ones.  Although one of my favorites is this one, with Melody...

  And this one with My Donna...

It was the most amazing experience of my life, and I highly recommend attending... HIGHLY recommend.  I made friendships that will last a lifetime.  Miracles happened, magical things occurred... and my life was touched deeply. 

I shall return to discuss in more detail... til then, spanks for reading!!!


  1. Ooooh. soooo Jealous! I would love to go but I can't even afford groceries. Glad you had fun.

  2. I can't wait to see more pictures and to hear all about it! I'm really glad you had a wonderful time. Welcome home!

  3. Can't wait to hear ALL about it!!!!!!!!!!

  4. *tears* so so SO happy for you Sandi... I just can't wait to hear more! I am going to need to ask you a few 'what should I take?' questions.... Sending lots of love!

  5. So can't wait to read more. Stalking your blog now, even! LOL :D

  6. I will be patient.... LOVE the picture of you and Melody :)

  7. so glad you did this for you Sandi... you have grown so much since January and it has been a joy to be a part of your journey. You spread a little light everywhere you go.
