
Thursday, January 3, 2013

good feeling...

It's Thursday.  I worked until 5, stopped to get a pizza (which is our normal dinner on Thursdays), came home, ate, straightened up the house a bit, did my grocery list for tomorrow, helped hubby with some paperwork... and then... I arted.  Which sounds WAY too close to 'I farted', but trust me, I didn't.  I arted. 

This is most unusual for me - my creating times are almost always on the weekends. During the week at night I may sketch or doodle in front of the tv, but I'm not flinging paint in the studio. 

But I'm doing Book Of Days with Effy Wild, and it's getting me ARTING.  And the most amazing thing happened - I set aside 30 minutes and just DID it.  I turned on my Ott light, opened some paints and went willy-nilly on my BOD.

BOD meaning Book Of Days.  Not MY bod.  :D

One of the most rewarding things about it was making my first spread in an art journal that I MADE MYSELF FROM SCRATCH.  This just made it all the more special...

I have two BOD's at the moment, the first volume is the book I made and bound myself, and the second volume is an altered hardcover book.  With that one I pulled a book from my stash from garage sales, and started painting - and when I looked at the spine of the book I realized the title of it was... ready?  "BOOK OF DAYS".  HOW freaky is that???   I tore out some of the inside pages to make room for bulkiness and started gesso-ing what was left.  I pierced the binding and threaded a ribbon through it for closure. 

If this sounds interesting to you - it JUST started - here's a link:  (use iheartyou for $20.00 off!)
Wild Soul Arts - Book Of Days 2013

This is a work in progress - I'm just so tickled i got this far!!

My altered book for volume 2


  1. LOVE!!!!!! ....and VERY inspiring :)

  2. great start to BOD! I love your humor, reminds me of me!

  3. I just checked out the BOD class, waiting for membership confirmation to the ning site. I LOVE that you just followed your art instincts and did it.... you're a girl on FIRE! ;)
