Monday, August 31, 2015

brave girls university!!

it's finally HERE!

i looked at the list of teachers in this group and my jaw is still on the ground.  there's enough talent there to keep everyone busy for a long time....

if you're undecided, just click the link and look at the list of teachers.  i'm salivating.  and i don't even have gelato in front of me...
brave girls university

Monday, August 17, 2015

magic patio...

if you're friends with me on facebook (and haven't hidden me for prolific idiotic posting) you've heard me talk about my magic patio.   and you've probably seen pics also - i'm in love with this area of my home and spend as much time as possible there.

sometimes jeff and i will sit for hours just talking and enjoying beautiful weather... or warm nights... or early morning tea.    it keeps me from housework, that's for sure.  i'd much rather read and pet furfaces on the magic patio.

i don't even know why i named it the magic patio.  it just named itself really.

our close friend tzveta davinci was over for a picnic this past weekend, and she took a ton of photos - she saw our magic patio through new eyes - and i guess i was just used to looking at everything and got a bit blase (make believe there's a little umlat thingymabob over the 'e' please) like blah-zay.  and then seeing tzveta's photos truly showed me that this patio and surrounding gardens really are..


tzveta davinci (isn't that a cool name?)  - learn more about her and the magic inside her at

i've been a lucky recipient of one of tzveta's spiral readings and i spent half the time having a ton of self awareness, a bunch of tears and a couple of true breakthroughs.  i highly recommend her...


Monday, August 3, 2015

click me! click me! click me!

when i say those words in my head, i say it like ron white, the comedian.   if you know him, you know what i'm talking about - his wife's dog dies and to help her he takes her to pick out a puppy and each one is yapping 'pick me pick me pick me'.  and the joke goes on from there but we're not here for ron white.  if you got here on an internet search for ron white - sorry.  but while you're here, would you like to take a course in brave girls university?

here's the link to follow - i hope to see you there - many amazing teachers, so much there it's beyond words - $24.95 per month - unlimited access to all classes...

brave girls university - check us out!