
the journey to 'home'....

thank you for following along on my journey to find 'home'.

when i set my Word for 2015, the word 'home' hit me like a ton of bricks.  i thought i did a blog post about my choice but apparently it was a facebook post, long buried under photos and status updates and weird wall things.  in short, i chose my word because this year is all about 'home'.  it meant packing up the townhouse that had become home after leaving a 35 year marriage.  it meant moving into a home that jeff lived in with his former wife and family for 30 years.  to say i was about to have some challenges was putting it mildly. 

little did i know what the universe had in store for me. 

we moved in 4 weeks ago.   we had a tremendous amount of help physically, and a lot of mental help also from some amazingly strong women.   (i'm no idiot, i surround myself with strong women to show me that i can be strong also)  tzveta arrived early, before anyone got to the house to smudge/bless/cleanse the space while it was still empty.  carrie lee was in malaysia, but transmitted her healing/cleansing energy across the ocean.  su sent, and continues to send reiki.

my first moments in this house are a bit of a blur.  i think the friends and family that were with me that day can vouch for my shell shockedness.   tzveta took my  hand and led me into the living room, kneeled down in front of her magic powders and meditated with me - she brought me to a level of calm so that i could proceed with what appeared to be a monumental task.

we had no wiggle room to have the house professionally cleaned inside and out - there were 2 dogs that were being left here and we had to be here to care for them.  so perhaps you can imagine what this house looked like.  i am asked repeatedly for 'before' pictures, but i did not take any.  i do not want to remember this house like that.  i'm hoping the memories fade.

what i did find, buried amongst the disrepair and dirt, was a very, very sad home.  there was a family raised here, a family ripped apart by the drug addiction of 2 of the 4 children.  years of anger, tears, fear, darkness, loss of hope.   a home destroyed physically by the anger enhanced by heroin.

i live with the scars this house shows the world.  the pain level is almost touchable.  i am sensitive to signs from the universe - so it's like a cacophony in here.

i need to heal this house. with jeff's help, and the help of my strong women - tzveta, carrie lee, su, jeanne... i will do what needs to be done to make this our home.

a  30 minute phone call with jeanne bessette this morning has given me the insight into my 'why', and my reason for being here.

WHICH... if you're still reading, brings me to another part of my 'why'.   why i build birdhouses.  my higher power sent me the idea for these - a lightning bolt type holy crap omg type of idea last april.  sitting there with carrie lee deciding on what i wanted to do next with my art, the idea and vision of a birdhouse came slamming into my brain.  i saw it.  i saw the finished birdhouse in my head - and set about creating it.   when it was done, i posted it and jeanne purchased it within 30 seconds of the post going live.

and i never looked back.  this is what brings my heart joy.  this is what i want to do.  i want to work with used parts - i want to recycle, repurpose and reuse old rusty worn things... and make them part of a home.

when i am commissioned to create a birdhouse, i am not just creating a piece that will sit on a shelf, or hang in a tree... i am creating a home.  i am filling it with love, and light, laughter and fun.  i am putting a piece of myself in each one.  i take each 'thing' and i attach it with intention.  these are not just wood and paint and metal... they are living, breathing vessels that hold part of my soul.

again, thank you for joining me on this journey, this journey of healing a home... i will share my exploits and foibles on the main page as they happen.  


  1. Lovely story, Sandi! You have a wonderful support system. Your home will heal. I someday, hope you can make me a birdhouse :) They are beautiful works of (he)art!!

  2. I loved this, Sandi. You are a special person, and this answered some questions I had.

    1. thank you! and i'm an open book, you can ask anything, anytime.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Just as you create your birdhouses so will you create this new home. The loving attention that goes into your art is what will transform this sad shell into your home, a magical space for love to flourish and grow and before you know it this house will be a happy house!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Sandi, your story brought tears to my eyes, still hard to control as I type.
    What a wonderful story, what a brave woman you are, moving into a house with such past, and even more, having been your new love's family home before, that is courage!
    But I can see how much that house needed your love to make it a home again, and the love between the two of you added on top, means that you now have the most wonderful place to care for and to feel at home.
    The story of your bird houses is so wonderful, so much meaning! Not only they are beautiful but a symbol of your new life and home.
    Your daily posts fill FB with love and laughter, and now reading your blog makes me see even more into your gorgeous and generous spirit.
    You are the most beautiful person Sandi, I'm so glad to know you, even if it's only at such distance.
    A huge Hug!

  7. Sandi - wow! I know you have a journey ahead, but it will be so worthwhile and the journey itself will be filled with wonderful new memories and "flowers" along the way!

    When we moved into our current house, the woman who had lived there had lost her husband very suddenly and suffered from a debilitating disease. The house itself was cold and felt empty - even with all the children running through it. There was sadness. I worried I would never feel at home in this house. It took a year of unpacking, settling, and finally a "Beating the bounds" ritual, and a house cleansing/blessing ritual performed by a Druidic Priest, but as soon as the ritual was performed - I swear I felt the house brighten and suddenly I could breathe. I was home!

    What I am saying is that even if it takes a bit of time - you will find your own rituals to cleanse and claim your new land and house and create a home from them.

    Sending big hugs and miss seeing you in person - Ginger A. (one of the Beach Babes!)

    1. oh, ginger, thank you!!! thank you for sharing your story - so much the same! xoxo i miss you too... <3
