
Saturday, January 29, 2011

the 2 sides of me...

Week 3 involved your weak safe and your strong self... and getting the two to live together as one.  This was actually a fun lesson for me, I actually journaled (highly unusual for me) and enjoyed creating the pages... with the exception of the wrinkly paper from the mod podge. I'm not letting it bother me. I'm not letting it bother me. I'm not letting it bother me...


  1. hey Sandi... I've met you before SR on a few bloghops for something.... just don't remember what : p
    If thatwrinkled paper is driving you crackers.... invest in some gel medium (golden or liquitex in the fine art aisle at your craft store) or Claudine Helmuth's Multi medium... they have less water so they don't attack the paper! You can also spray your paper with water first, and then wipe it down with a paper towel... it breaks the fiber bond down a little and helps the paper lay flat. Your work is totall awesome!
