
Wednesday, January 26, 2011


The timeline was extremely emotional for me to do. It made me face many of the things in my life that I've buried... the death of my father, my cancer... losing my mom... and the good things too - like my first love... to be continued...


  1. I did a timeline page when I turned 60. It gave me a real perspective on what was important to me.

  2. I like this! We did a timeline in homeschool with my kids. But it's only personalization was adding birth and marriage dates of parents and grandparents. (The rest was historical - like Revolutionary War, each president, Reformation...)
    I like the more personal version...

  3. Umm...this is Sylvia by the way :-)

  4. Thank you for sharing about your timeline. I'm taking Soul Restoration e-class right now and this is our week to do our timeline. As you can tell I'm avoiding and checking out everyone else's. BUT I have to face my own and get to work now. Blessings!
